Should I Stay or Do I Go? Reflections on Selling Fleet

After experiencing success in the surging tanker market and selling his fleet at, or near, its peak, Bob Burke, the driving force behind Ridgebury Tankers, ponders his next move. Speaking at the HACC NACC conference in New York, Burke reflects on the challenges of cashing out when cash flows and asset values were high. The keynote speech offers insight into the maritime industry and its ever-evolving landscape.
The HACC NACC conference, celebrating its 30th year, explores both the maritime markets and the increasingly prominent role of geopolitics. Attendees gain perspectives on the commercial and technical challenges of the industry, as well as shipping's response to missile and drone attacks.
As the Ridgebury Tankers ships have been sold, Burke contemplates his future. Quoting The Clash, he asks, rhetorically, "Should I stay or do I go?" Despite considering alternative paths in tech and banking, Burke emphasizes the value of the people and international aspects that shipping offers. The camaraderie, lifelong friendships, and the ability to gain perspectives from industry peers across the globe prove influential in his decision.
Ultimately, Burke decides to remain in the shipping industry, appreciating the unique experiences it provides. Despite its misunderstood nature, he finds excitement and fulfillment in the dynamic shipping industry.