Innovative zero-emission tugs have started operating in the Netherlands

The Kotug towing company from the Netherlands has launched a "green" project to transport cocoa beans for the Cargill group. Zero-emission tugboats will operate on the line between Amsterdam and Zaandam (a city in the west of the Netherlands).
For the transportation of cocoa beans, an electric push tug of the Kotug type M project and four barges with zero emissions have been allocated, the telegram channel "International Shipping" reports.
The "zero emissions" technology is achieved with the help of replaceable battery-powered energy containers from Shift Clean Energy. They will use onshore battery replacement and charging stations. In addition, these containers are part of the innovative design of the vessel.
The Kotug company was founded in 1911 and is currently a major international operator of the tugboat fleet. It specializes in providing various services, including mooring, towing and rescue.